Social Farming
Social Farming
Our journey started back in 2011-2014 when the Campbell farm was one of 20 that participated in a highly successful EU INTERREG IVA funded pilot project Social Farming Across Borders (SoFAB) which used the innovative use of agriculture, nature and the landscape to promote therapy, rehabilitation, social inclusion, education and social services in rural areas.
In 2014 Bradkeel Social Farm CIC was established providing day opportunities and learning with an aim of improving better health and well-being. Alongside this we developed educational programmes of activities to raise awareness on environmental issues aimed at creating positive change. We promote a self-sufficient, sustainable and balanced lifestyle for all that engage with us.
More recently we have relocated to a new site on the farm and plans are in motion to expand our provision of services where gardening and growing activities, environmental, learning and therapeutic programmes can be delivered.
How to avail of our Social Farm
We offer day opportunities and accept referrals from:
Adult Community Mental Health & Learning Disability teams within the Western Health and Social Care Trust.
Social Prescribing teams within local Healthy Living Centres
Self-Directed Support.
All our activities are risk managed and delivered at the pace of participants.
Benefits of being on a Social Farm
During this time the transformational journey of participants that have engaged in social farming have had amazing results to include:
Increase in meaningful activity, learning new skills.
Increased social contact, making new friends, feeling included and sense of belonging.
Reduction in stress, anxiety and depression with an improvement to health and well-being.
Improvement to self-confidence, self-esteem and mood.
Get in touch with us
If you would like to find out more or would like to get involved please contact Mabel on 07889042991 or email